東京理科大学 総合研究院 パラレル脳センシング技術研究部門
Parallel Brain Interaction Sensing Division

  • アクセス
  • English

Achievements 研究実績


竹村 裕

  1. Akagi, S. Tsuichihara, S. Kosugi, and H. Takemura, “Development of a Rehabilitation and Training Device Considering the Ankle Degree of Freedom,” J. of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 673-682, 2020.
  2. H. Sakata, S. Hashizume, H. Takemura, H. Hobara,“A limb-specific strategy across a range of running speeds in transfemoral amputees”, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(4):892-899.
  3. Shigeta, M., Sawatome, A., Ichikawa, H., & Takemura, H. (2018). Correlation between autistic traits and gait characteristics while two persons walk toward each other. Advanced Biomedical Engineering, 7, 55-62.


  1. Imoto Y et al. Rapid and stable changes in maturation-related phenotypes of the adult hippocampal neurons by electroconvulsive treatment. Mol Brain, 10:8, (2017)
  2. Ueno M et al. The effect of electroconvulsive seizure on survival, neuronal differentiation, and expression of the maturation marker in the adult mouse hippocampus. J Neurochem. 149(4):488-498. (2019)
  3. Kobayashi Y & Segi-Nishida E. Search for factors contributing to resistance to the electroconvulsive seizure treatment model using adrenocorticotrophic hormone-treated mice. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 186:172767. (2019)

斎藤 顕宜

  1. Yamada D, Yanagisawa S, Yoshizawa K, Yanagita S, Oka JI, Nagase H, Saitoh A. Selective agonists of the δ-opioid receptor, KNT-127 and SNC80, act differentially on extinction learning of contextual fear memory in mice. Neuropharmacology. Vol. 160, 107792 (2019). [Epub ahead of print].
  2. Nagase H, Saitoh A. Research and development of κ opioid receptor agonists and δ opioid receptor agonists. Pharmacol Ther. 107427. (2019) [Epub ahead of print].


  1. Kuniishi, H., Yamada, D., Wada, K., Yamada, M., Sekiguchi, M. Stress induces insertion of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors in the OFC-BLA synapse and modulates emotional behaviours in mice. Translational Psychiatry Vol. 10, Article 154 (2020).
  2. Yamada, D., Wada, K., Sekiguchi, M. Modulation of long-term potentiation of cortico-amygdala synaptic responses and auditory fear memory by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience Vol. 10, article 164 (2016).


  1. Ichikawa, H.*, Nakato E.*, Igarashi, Y., Okada, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Kakigi, R. (2019). A longitudinal study of infant view-invariant face processing during the first 3-8 months of life. NeuroImage, 186, 817-824. (*Joint first authors)
  2. Geangu, E.*, Ichikawa, H.*, Lao, C.*, Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., Caldara, R.*, & Turati, C.* (2016). Culture shapes 7-month-olds perceptual strategies in discriminating facial expressions of emotion. Current Biology, 26(24), R663-R664.


  1. Y.Enatsu, E. Ishiwata, T.Ushijima, “Traveling wave solution for a diffusive simple epidemic model with a free boundary”, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System Series S , (to appear.).
  2. S. Okamoto, K. Negishi, Y. Toyama, T. Ushijima, and K. Morohashi, “Leaf Trichome Distribution Pattern in Arabidopsis Reveals Gene Expression Variation Associated with Environmental Adaptation”, Plants (to appear)
  3. Anada, T. Ishiwata, T. Ushijima, “A numerical method of estimating blow-up rates for evolution equations by using rescaling algorithm”, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol 35, pp. 33-47 (2018)


  1. Yamamoto Takahiko, Ikeda Ryutaro, Yamada Daisuke, Saitoh Akiyoshi, Koshiji Kohji : Development of a High-Hydrous Gel Phantom for Human Body Communication based on Electrical Anisotropy, IEEE EMBC 2019 Proceedings, 2019
  2. 中田悠乃、山本隆彦、山田大輔、斎藤顕宜、越地耕二:実験動物用活動量計に対するワイヤレス電力伝送のための送電コイルの検討、日本AEM学会誌(印刷中)

朝倉 巧

  1. Matsumoto, and T. Asakura, “Case study: Experimental study on optimum level of synthetic speech simulating Lombard effect,” Noise Control Eng. J., Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 257-268 (2020).
  2. Asakura, and R. Hashimoto, “Effect of visual stimuli on the subjective impression of pass-by sound transmitted into low-rise residential building,” Appl. Acoust., Vol. 169, 1-13 (2020).
  3. Asakura, S. Tsujimura, M. Yonemura, Lee Hyojin, S. Sakamoto, “Effect of immersive visual stimuli on the subjective evaluation of the loudness and annoyance of sound environments in urban cities,” Appl. Acoust., Vol. 143, pp. 141-150 (2019).


  1. Yamamoto, M., Shimatani, K., Hasegawa, M., Murata T., and Kurita, Y., Effects of altering plantar flexion resistance of an ankle-foot orthosis on muscle force and kinematics during gait training, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, Vol. 46, pp63-69 (2019).
  2. Yamamoto, M., Shimatani, K., Hasegawa, M., and Kurita, Y., Effect of an ankle–foot orthosis on gait kinematics and kinetics: case study of post-stroke gait using a musculoskeletal model and an orthosis model, ROBOMECH Journal, Vol.6, Issue 9, pp1-7 (2019).
  3. Yamamoto, M., Kishishita, Y., Shimatani, K., and Kurita, Y., Development of New Soft Wearable Balance Exercise Device Using Pneumatic Gel Muscles, Applied Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 15, pp1-14 (2019).

阪田 治

  1. Osamu Sakata, Makoto Ohki, Yoichi Saito, Fast Multidimensional Directed Information. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 592-597 (2012).
  2. 阪田ほか, パーソナル・ヘルスケア「第3 編 生体信号・情報処理と通信技術研究の最前線 第1章 ヘルスモニタリングに向けた多変量生体信号処理技術の研究」分筆担当, NTS, pp. 293-305 (2013).
  3. Osamu Sakata, Yutaka Suzuki, Yoichi Saito, Analysis of secular variation of the information flow pattern in EEGs of an epileptic patient by Multidimensional directed information analysis. Proc. 2014 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp.1-5 (2014).


  1. Hashimoto, T., Urabe, M., Chee-Sheng, F., Murakoshi, A., Kikuchi, T., Michiwaki, Y., Koike, T., “Development of a Musculoskeletal Model of Hyolaryngeal Elements for Understanding Pharyngeal Swallowing Mechanics.” Appl. Sci. 10, no. 18, 6276 (2020)
  2. Hashimoto, T., Kato, N., Kobayashi, H., “Development of Remote Education System with android Robot and Evaluation”, International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems (Assistive Robotics), Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 51-61 (2011)


  1. 事象関連電位による認知機能訓練システムの開発 -高齢者の認知症予防向けアクティビティへの応用を目指して-,日本感性工学会論文誌,印刷中