
For the next-generation energy conversion!
Recently, lithium-ion batteries is put on the terminals such as smartphones or PCs, hybrid cars which are necessary for our living mainly due to their high performance. And the development of the large-scale battery is expected for the long-term application of sustainable energies such as wind power generation, solar photovoltaic generation for the use of electric vehicles (EV) in the future. However, many problems still remain unresolved. To break off these problems, Komaba laboratory focuses on the R&D of new materials for advanced battery performance. In particular, we develop a new battery to have a more wealthy life. Furthermore, the studies such as capacitors, enzymatic biofuel cells, and electrochemistry sensors are also carried out in the Komaba laboratory.
The detailed contents are described page of “Research”.
・2020/1/15 Our review paper on potassium ion batteries is published in “The Chemical Reviews”
・2019/4/5 Our review paper on potassium-ion batteries is published in “The Chemical Records”
・2018/2/14 Our review paper on sodium- and potassium-ion batteries in “The Chemical Records”

4th International Conference on Sodium Batteries was held at Tokyo University of Science.
・2016/10/17/ SPring-8 introduces our research about the sodium-ion battery.
・2015/06/09/ Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun introduces our studies on anode materials for lithium-ion batteries.
・2014/7/24/ Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun introduces our research about the sodium ion battery.
・2018/Sep We went for the laboratory trip.
・2017/Nov We held 4th International Conference on Sodium Batteries.
・2017/Sep We went for the laboratory trip.
・2016/Oct We went for the laboratory trip.
・2015/Jan We went for the laboratory trip.
・2014/Aug Komaba laboratory reached the tenth anniversary.
Record of Awards
・2015/06/30 Professor Shinichi Komaba wins German Innovation Award - Gottfried Wagener Prize 2015
・2015/03/06 Professor Shinichi Komaba wins The Excellent Researcher Special Award of Tokyo University of Science.
・2014/12/25 Professor Shinichi Komaba wins the 11th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award.
Updating Information2018/12/3Updating “Home”, “Publications”, “Research”, “Member” and “Schedule & Album”.
- 2022/3/23 New Web page is opened!